Thursday, January 14, 2016


It is hard to imagine that someday babies might be born in test tubes. However, technology already in place today raises the prospect of a not so distant future where it would be feasible to actually design babies. The concept of a “designer baby” refers to the ability for parents to favor and possibly guarantee a specific trait in their child, such as blue eyes. Scientists are hopeful that they will be able to further advance genetic engineering and in vitro fertilization and thereby will create the opportunity for parents to handpick their children’s genes. Also, scientists may be able to subtract an unwanted gene, for example in case the baby’s family is more susceptible to breast cancer or any other disease, and as such hopefully prevent the child from developing that disease over his or her lifetime. As described in the film GATTACA, “a designer baby is still your child; it only brings out the best in you.”

Background info videos:
Desighner Babies Ethical Dilemna

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